Monday, March 16, 2009

The Shack

I just finished The Shack, by William P. Young. I loved it, and have a very specific opinion about it. I think, however, that this is a read that needs to be undertaken without the preface of others' opinions. Many others had given me their opinion while I was reading it and I found that I had to struggle past my nitpicking nature in order to get anything out of the book. Even the comments on the cover and first few pages bothered me. It's good for a discussion after the fact, though!

So if you've read it, lemme know what you thought sometime.

So, on monday mornings I've taken a babysitting job in Pennfield for a ladies' Bible study. I think it's good for my heart. I'm not the best with little kids, but I adore them. The best feeling ever is when a little one runs to you and gives you a huge hug around the legs until you pick them up and hug 'em tight. There's a one-and-a-half year old named Jacob who LOVES to dance. Whenever he hears any kind of music, he's clammoring to be picked up and bounced around or he just spins in circles and just laughs and laughs... It's one of the highlights of my week.

That I could be the same with my own Heavenly Father!

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